why do small businesses need a website

Why do small businesses need a website?

If you are a local business owner and want to grow exponentially without investing a ton of budget, then creating a business website and optimizing it for better conversions would be one of your smartest moves.

Still, not convinced?

Although an internet usage is increasing day by day and the number of digital buyers worldwide is projected to be 2.14 billion in 2021 (Source: statista.com), there is still a significant percentage of businesses that continued to rely on traditional marketing channels rather than adopting the digitalization of business.

In fact, according to a research survey conducted by Clutch, 29% of small businesses in the USA don’t have a website.

And, Redshift Research’s global survey in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Brazil, India, Mexico, and Turkey, commissioned by GoDaddy found that 59% of very small businesses (defined as five workers or less) did not have a website.

So, creating a website for your business can get you a competitive advantage over those who haven’t one.

Today everything is being accessible online and you’ll be losing revenue as well as reputation by thinking that you can survive without having a website.

You may have enough customers currently but when the younger people will gain the buying power, you will be losing your market share.

Here are more interesting stats you would definitely love to know.

According to Hubspot,

81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases.

72% of consumers who did a local search visited a store within five miles.

28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase.

Of course, these are stats collected by some research groups and I want to present you a complete list of valid and solid reasons why small businesses need a website in another post here of 25 reasons why small businesses need a website.
Contact us for more information.

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