website color schemes

Website color schemes can make a huge impact on both style and consistency. Learn how to choose the right color palette, and work it into your site’s design system.

Website color schemes

As experienced designers of all backgrounds can tell you, color schemes require a profound amount of thought and consideration in the web creator’s design workflow. Because of the large scope of this topic, there are many best practices to master in order to create the perfect color scheme. After understanding the significance that color schemes play in the website design process, we will be even better equipped for our future design-related decision making and our careers as web creators.

When it comes to branding, specifically, color schemes are almost always a key component in a brand’s design system or style guide, which is a set of guidelines that defines a brand’s personality, brand messaging, visual assets, and content assets. Branding, as we know, is one of the most crucial components in the website design process. As such, a defined, carefully crafted color palette will solidify our brand identity so that our websites and their content become a polished, professional brand asset.

There are many best practices and “rules” that, when put into effect by web creators, will maximize the potential of their web design skills and best represent their prestige and competence as a web designer. It’s time to learn and understand just how valuable website color schemes are in website design and the rules you can follow to make yours the very best.

What is Website Color Schemes?

Website color schemes

Website color schemes is the collection of colors that a designer chooses for their website design. Also known as color palettes, color schemes can include as few or as many colors as the designer sees fit. Each color can be used for a variety of elements throughout the website, meaning the same color may be used for different types of components. 

That being said, color palettes are generally divided into two sets of colors: primary and secondary. The primary colors are generally the more dominant colors in the site, accounting for background colors, logo colors, menu colors, etc., and secondary colors are often used as accent colors, among other use cases. Very often, you’ll also see that a color palette will include several shades of the same color, which gives the website a varied yet consistent feeling throughout its design.

Consistency is actually one of the fundamental values in creating a color scheme for your website. Because brand personality is so crucial to a successful website and business, having a consistent color palette solidifies your brand identity, as your repeated use of color and styling will create associations between your brand and your audience.

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